(New York, New York) -December 15, 2011 --Rebecca St. James-Grammy® Award winning Christian singer and best-selling author, found herself on the receiving end of controversy this week-a controversy that began on Fox News Channel's "Hannity" with her Monday (12/12) appearance-and a discussion that led to her defense of the virtues of abstinence until marriage and the current national pre-occupation with Tim Tebow's display of Christianity on the football field.
Long an outspoken Christian values advocate with media, the discussion started surrounding Rebecca's latest book, What Is He Thinking?? -(Faithwords/Hachette) which espouses Christian values in dating and abstinence pre-marriage.
Fellow "Hannity" co-chairs on the "Great American Panel" -political pundent and Fox anchor/correspondent Bob Beckel and actor turned Sirius XM radio host Jay Thomas--proved less than supportive of Rebecca's belief system on purity until marriage and her opinion that Tim Tebow is a role model for American youth. Thomas opined on the subject of abstinence that he believed in "test driving a car before you buy it," and on the subject of Tebow as a role model he quipped-"I have no interest in my sons being like Tim Tebow."
Noted Hannity, who has personally endorsed Rebecca's latest book: "Don't we make fun of people that have good values? If a guy tells you he's 28 and still a virgin-you're going to laugh at him!"
"That's right," retorted Thomas.
Rebecca noted in response to Thomas: "I'm sad for you that you'd laugh at him and I'm sad actually that you, as a parent, wouldn't want Tim Tebow as a role model for your kids. I think most people that are watching tonight would want a Tim Tebow as a role model for their kids-he's an outstanding young man with values and morals."
Facebook was alive post-"Hannity" with support of Rebecca's values-both the Fox New Network's program site-and Rebecca's own social universe.
Given a sampling of the outpouring of support Rebecca called this week's "Hannity" experience, "Affirming that Fox viewers are proving Christian values are still strongly supported in America."
Click here to view Rebecca's "Hannity" appearance from 12-12-11:
Comments included:
"Just watched you on Hannity tonight...awesome job, and thank you for standing up for the truth of Jesus and letting the world know the value and joy of purity by following Him! :) " Faith
"I'm watching you on Hannity, and you are doing a super job!" -Christine
"You were amazing on "Hannity" tonight. Very inspiring!" -Heather
"God's love and wisdom definitely did shine through Rebecca. You were bright beacon. Thank you for all you do." -Mark
"I applaud your appearance on Hannity tonight. It means a lot to me. I have followed God's desire even though I sometimes feel it is useless, unfair, and unjust. But that is something personal between me and God. God is great always though. Thank you "-Fred
"I was praying for you, Rebecca!! You did a great job tonight on Hannity!!!! : ) I turn 28 next week, and I'm still waiting for my husband!!...in the Lord's timing! You were super encouraging! Thank you for standing strong!!! ...I really do feel sad for Mr. Jay and the other man on the show tonight and especially for their children!!! :( I'm praying for them! "-Jenny Maria
"Awesome job tonight on Hannity. :) You stood up strong against the guys on there who were really being harsh on your views. You have been a fantastic example to me and I'm so thankful for you!! :) I've never had a boyfriend and you have encouraged me in my journey of being patient and waiting for my husband. Thank you." ? -Kailey
"You did an awesome job on Hannity! Mr. Jay was being such a complete jerk to you, yet you stayed calm, funny, and so insightful and inspiring. God blessed you, as He always has and always will!" Adam
"Excellent job on "Hannity" tonight." -Tim
"Rebecca, I saw you on Hannity tonight and just wanted to say that I respect and agree with your view point. I think that it is sick that the other panelists think the way they do. Also, if "trying out sex" before marriage guarantees a better marriage, than actors and actresses in Hollywood should have great marriages, RIGHT???? Thanks for being an outspoken virgin and staying the course. God bless you." -John
"Great job tonight on Hannity!!! I was so impressed how you held your own around those other 2 guys. Thank you so much for always being such strong and out spoken Christian:) We need more people like you and Tim Tebow out there shining the light for Christ!!! Thank you for inspiring me and being a role model for me since i was 15!!! "-Laura
"You did great on Hannity tonight! You handled the guys very well. You did the LORD proud. You weren't afraid to deal with the issues." -Flint
"PROUD OF YOU ON HANNITY TONIGHT!!! You are someone that I absolutely have the greatest respect for! Thank you for being such a great influence and someone that I can show to my teens as someone who was able to wait. So many things that we see these days say more and more Christian teens are not waiting to have sex, and I believe that is just the liberal media feeding us that. You are proof that is it possible! I know that God will bless you both and your marriage!!! Thank you!" -Dena
"Father was so proud of you tonight on Hannity. Speaking of Tebow being a great role model for one's son is right on, and you are the perfect role model for our daughters. Thank you, Rebecca, and Merry Christmas!" -Patti
"Good job tonight on Hannity, Rebecca! SO proud of you for being such a great role model and always speaking the truth. I am thankful for your stand for God throughout these years, you've been such an example to me! Just wrote a blog post (at sweetnessitself.blogspot.com) about purity and was able to use you and your husband as an example of those who wait, blessings to you! " -Erin
"You did awesome on Hannity tonight awesome job!" -John Paul
"Great job on Hannity tonight, Rebecca! I thought that Jay Thomas was utterly disrespectful to you, though. Kudos to you for not telling him where to go! Put in the same place, I would not have been able to hold my tongue!" -Laren
"Rebecca, you were outstanding tonight on Hannity! I loved how you engaged in the debate about purity and was not at all intimidated by the other 2 guys on the panel. I love how you are humble and strong at the same time! You are really amazing ! Thank you for sharing truth in such a positive way! " -Valery
"Great job on Hannity last night!!! It's the first time I've watched you on there and you definitely held your own!!! It's so sad to know that many people have the view of the actor sitting next to you. I'm so glad you stood firm for the Lord. I especially enjoyed your dialogue regarding Tim Tebow...why are so many out to get him? What is he doing that's so wrong?? The fact that the actor said he doesn't want his kids to be like Tebow because they'd be bored to death just shows how lost he is and has never experienced the joy of the Lord. Praying for him... Thank you for setting such a great example for young people (my 13 year old daughter thinks you're awesome!) Keep on doing what you're doing!!" -Tanya
"Great job on Fox News Sean Hannity show last night!" -Erik
"Proud of you girl! You were bold, yet gentle and held your own! "-Laura
"Awesome on Hannity last night!!! Love how you handled yourself." -Karen
"Your were fantastic! Was so encouraged!!! "-Tommy & Lee
"I got on here just to say exactly what Michelle said. I also watched you on Hannity and was very encouraged by how rock solid and kind you were in the face of such rudeness and worldly morals. You have a new fan today!!! AND i'm going to buy your book for my 14 year old sister because Jay Thomas is wrong, there are still moral guys out there, and i pray that woman everywhere would not settle for anything less. Thank you RSJ -"Zach
"Rebecca watched you on Hannity! You were awesome! Love u and thanks for standing up for Christ! He is a proud papa! You are a blessing! "-Michelle
"Satan's grip on American culture was never more evident than it was last night while listening to the words that Jay Thomas said on Hannity" -Mark
"RSJ, thank you for standing strong in your defense of purity last night on Hannity! It feels great (as a 19 yr old girl focused on waiting) to know there are still people in the world who believe in guarding one's heart and waiting on God's fulfillment of His promises. Modest is Hottest! " -Anna-Marie
"Watched Hannity last night with my wife and all my wife could say was "that guys wife must be so embarrassed, not to mention the fact that she must feel like DIRT." thanks for taking the message to the hard places!!! " Glenn
"Thank you for standing up for purity on Hannity! God bless you!" -Nellie
"Thank you for stand up for absence last night on Hannity last night !!! You co guests should be ashamed of themselves" -Nathan
"Saw you on Hannity last night...you were right on! :) "-Mel
"Great job on Hannity last night.....you made the man next to you on the panel look like he has a LOT to learn. (if he's ever humble enough to admit it) "-Brady
"Rebecca did absolutely FANTASTIC on Hannity last night!!! That guy was vicious, mocking and ridiculing purity at every opportunity, and she stood SO strong! Sean is so smart having her on the show regularly. Rebecca (as well as her brothers for King & Country) make me so proud to be PURE! Speaking of fK&C, they need to be on the show was well! "-Kensy
Brikko Hayashi "She did a great job defending the faith and purity before marriage! GOD bless!"
Sarah Thornburg Horton "I watched this last night. You held up very well. Great job."
Rebecca Younger "Saw it and you were awesome!"
Tim Phares "I saw it. You did a great job!"
Kenny Kimble "I watched it, you were awesome!"
Sarah Winslow " Wow, how sad for the other guys. Great job to you!"
Barbara Gingrich Spiegel "I watched it live...awesome job and you spoke with such conviction! Continue to share the Light!! "
Dion Richardson "I was 31 as a virgin when I married my wife, who also was a virgin. And I love Tebow as a role model. A.C. Green was mine."
John Spalding "Purity wins. You made your point. Sorry they were so rude to you!"
Mary Crabtree "You were great ! You certainly held your own!"
Kensy Kaelin "Purity was mocked and ridiculed and Rebecca St. James did FANTASTIC! Jay Thomas was vicious towards her and she stood her ground! It makes me extra proud to be pure! Way to go Rebecca!!! Rebecca is the perfect example that a person can be modern, gorgeous, intelligent AND pure."
Jeff Zimmerman "Great job, Rebecca! Thanks for standing up for righteousness!"
Hunter Adkins "She was awesome! She defended what was morally right. And I'm also glad that she's Conservative."
Rebecca's book, What Is He Thinking?? is available at local retail Christian bookstores, Amazon.com and all major online book retailers and through her website at www.rsjames.com
For more info on Rebecca St. James visit the JFH Artists Database.
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